Saturday 16 July 2016

RBI Grade-B Recruitment 2016 : Notification Out

Reserve Bank of India has released the Notification for the post of Grade-B in the bank. Its a great opportunity that one can have in the Banking Sector.

Important Dates:


Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released the notification regarding the online examination (Preliminary and Main) for the next Common Recruitment Process for selection of personnel for Probationary Officer / Management posts in the Participating Organisations is tentatively scheduled in October / November 2016. 

Thursday 14 July 2016

IBPS RRBs CWE - V : Change in Recruitment Process

As you all have been waiting for RRB Notification this year, so we would like to share the information we have recently got. The Ministry Of Finance has Directed IBPS to make some changes in the recruitment pattern and asked IBPS to introduce the concept of Preliminary and Mains. You can read the changes by clicking on the link given below.

This may be one of the reason why IBPS delayed the notification.

Click Here To Read The Notice

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