Sunday, 20 September 2015
Wednesday, 16 September 2015
Country name and Capital name are Same :
Guatemala – Guatemala City
Djibouti – Djibouti City
Singapore - Singapore
Monaco – Monaco
Luxembourg - Luxembourg
Tunisia - Tunis
Andorra – Andorra la Vella
Djibouti – Djibouti City
Singapore - Singapore
Monaco – Monaco
Luxembourg - Luxembourg
Tunisia - Tunis
Andorra – Andorra la Vella
Capital Names Ending with “Town”
South Africa - CapeTown
Guyana - Gorege Town
Sierra Leone - FreeTown
Barbados – BridgeTown
Guyana - Gorege Town
Sierra Leone - FreeTown
Barbados – BridgeTown
Korea’s Family
1) South Korea – Seoul
Seoul looks like “Soul”
Mind Trick : South Korea’s Soul
2) North Korea – Pyongyang
Pyongyang sounds like “Young-yang”
Mind Trick : North People are “Young”
Sweden – Stockholm
Sweden( sounds like ” Sweat-den”)
Stockholm(sounds like “Stock +Home”)
Mind Trick : Sweats are in Stock in our Home..
Jamaica –Kingston
Mind Trick : Jamaica’s men are “Kings”
Iran – Tehran
Mind Trick – Both words ends with “ran”
Bhutan – Thimpu
Bhutan souds like “Boot+tan”
Thimphu sounds like name “Tippu Sultan”
Mind Trick : Tippu Sultan wear Boots..
Canada – Ottawa
Ottawa sounds like “Oats”
Mind Trick : Canadians like Oats..
DenMark - CoPenhagen :
Mark(a name)
Co-Pen(means Others Pen)
Mind Trick : Mark uses others Pen.
Hungary – Budapest
Hungary looks like “Hungry”
Budapest sounds like “Buddha+pest
Mind Trick : Buddha is very Hungry.
Argentina –Buenos Aires
Aires look like “Airs"
Mind Trick : Argentina’s Airs
Australia –Canberra
Canberra sounds like “Cadbury”
Mind Trick : Australia’s companies manufacture “ Cadburys”
Malta – ValLetta
Mind Trick: Malta – Letta
Morocco – Rabat
Rabat sounds like “Robert”
Mind Trick: Morocco’s Robert.
Romania – Bucharest
Mind Trick Romania people take “Rest”
Poland – WarSaw
Land - War - Saw
Mind Trick - I SAW a WAR happened in poLand
Czech Republic – Prague
Prague sounds like “Pray”
Mind Trick : Czech People “Pray” for God Daily
Ukraine - Kyiv
Ukraine sounds like (“Uk+rain”)
Kyiv sounds like (“key”)
Mind Trick : In Uk,while raining lost KEY
Taiwan – Taipei
Taiwan sounds like (“Tie +One”)
Taipei sounds like (“Tie +Pi”)
Mind Trick : TieOne - TiePi
Estonia –Tallinn
Estonia sound like “Yes +Stone”
Mind Trick : Stone is Tall
Venezuela- Caracas
Mind Trick : Veny Travels in Car
Congo- Brazzaville
Brazzaville-Brazil +Ville
Mind Trick : Congo’s to Brazil for hosting FIFA WorldCup
New Zealand - Wellington
Wellington -Washington
Mind Trick : New Washington
Bulgaria –Sofia
Bulgaria –Bulk +Area
Sofia looks like “Sofa”
Mind Trick : Bulk of Sofa’s in that Area
Brazil – Brasillia
Brasillia – Brazil+lia
Croatia- Zagreb
Croatia sounds like (“Coast +Asia”)
Zagreb sounds like (“za+Grey”)
Mind Trick: Coast Asia people like “Grey” Colour
Cyprus – Nicosia
Nicosia sounds like (“Nik +Asia”)
Famous Countries & Capitals
Afghanistan - Kabul
Bangladesh - Dhaka
China - Beijing
Pakistan - Islamabad
UAE - Abu Dhabi
Vietnam - Hanoi
Srilanka - Colombo
Philippines - Manila
Japan - Tokyo
Italy - Rome
France - Paris
Spain - Madrid
Bangladesh - Dhaka
China - Beijing
Pakistan - Islamabad
UAE - Abu Dhabi
Vietnam - Hanoi
Srilanka - Colombo
Philippines - Manila
Japan - Tokyo
Italy - Rome
France - Paris
Spain - Madrid
Thursday, 3 September 2015
How To Crack IBPS Exam 2015 :In general, is mostly a front staff in a bank who takes in charge of the customer interface. The placement of the clerks is made at different counters of the

banks depending upon the needs of the bank. They may be placed at counters like that of savings, deposit, current deposit, term deposit, retail loans, cash credit, agricultural loans, credit cards, government business, cash receipt or payment etc. So a bank Clerk plays an important role in the bank.
The selection is made through the system of examination. The candidates who meet the eligibility criteria are able to appear in a written examination. This written examination is conduct by the IBPS (Institute of Banking Personnel Selection).
The structure of the Examination which will be conducted in two tier. The questions are objective in nature consisting of four papers.
Expected Pattern of Tier I (1 hr Duration)
English Language 30 Marks
Quantitative Aptitude 35 Marks
Reasoning Ability 35 Marks
Expected Pattern of Tier II (2 hr Duration)
Reasoning Ability 50 Marks
Numerical Aptitude 50 Marks
Computer 20 Marks
English Language 40 Marks
General Awareness 40 Marks
To successfully compete through this examination, it is necessary for the job seekers to work hard and work smart too. They must be well versed in the subjects which are asked in the examination. They must also solve the previous year question papers with speed and accuracy.
Important Tips
In IBPS Bank Exam, the candidate needs to save time and has to be accurate too. Hence, he/she should be able to understand the problems well and should also create short cuts to answer the questions to which they come across. They also need to practice regularly with different sets of papers.
2. Improve your Knowledge
3. Track your Progress

Here you need to always be up-to-date with latest digital technologies. Not only because exam is going to be computer-based but also you have to work in that kind of atmosphere once you enter the banking sector jobs.
A reality check in terms of time management for online format is equally important. In past, we have seen even the best of talent getting flunked due to inability to adapt with the online test format.
Not everyone is perfect in all the areas of study. You must have a few strengths and a few weaknesses. What it needs for a good preparation strategy is to identify your strengths and weaknesses in order to utilize your strengths and improve your weaknesses successfully.
IBPS question papers contains sections :
1.Computer Knowledge :
Computer Knowledge is highly Scoring section in IBPS POs and RRB (Regional Rural Banks). All the Questions will be from well known Concepts such as Computer Terminology, Basic Computer Architecture, Internet, MS-Office, Computer Network, Database, Operating System etc.
2.Quantitative aptitude:
For cracking IBPS exam, students have to make their command on many knowledge areas like Quantitative Aptitude. Other topics Arithmetic/Numerical Ability comprises of :
Number systems
Ratio and Proportion
Coded Relations
Time and work
Profit and Loss
Simple Interest and Compound Interest
Time and distance
Bar graph & Pie-chart
3.English language:
English language section tests your English language ability. You need to read at least one daily English newspaper to improve your knowledge and refer some books for this section also. Mostly all students never give proper time for this Section. But this Section requires maximum attention. Learning one comprehension a day, Learning 20-30 words a day with its synonyms and anonymous would help to score better in this section.
4.General awareness:
General Awareness is one of the Scoring Subject in IBPS Exams. So Aspirants have to concentrate little tricky to score More. Most of the Questions of Banking Awareness comes from recent Banking issues and Economy issues(up to 6-8 Months before date of notification released).
The Major Banking Issues includes:
Bank rates
Repo rate,Reverse repo rate
Cash reserve ratio
Marginal Standing Facility
GDP and RBI Related Questions
Budget pertinent Terms
Interim and Main Budget
Indian Economy (Basic Structure)
Agriculture Fact File, Agriculture
Various Revolutions
Organization Name, Places, Directors and
Important Acts & Amendments
Banking History (Establish ,nationalization)
Banking related organization
(SIDBI,NABARD,SEBI.. etc establishment,Directors ,important dates)
Persons in News.
Important national and International celebration days and dates
Schemes (YOJANA) by government.Major projects, India’s leading sectors &Organizations in World (WTO, Asian Development bank)
Recent and Upcoming Events.
Currency name-Country : One question expected on Currency name –Country name or Symbol…
Literature : Famous books and Authors related info based Questions.
Awards and Honours : up to one year cover all Awards and related info (Literature,Sports,Service and films etc..)
Current Affairs : Cover overall recent issue up to 6-9 months
5. Reasoning Section :
Reasoning section tests your mental aptitude and skills in attempting the questions and your observing power also. This section also judges your decision making ability. It requires just your concentration. You need to make a mind map for each question and ultimately you will reach to your answer. This section is also a scoring one. So, maximum practice is needed to deal with various figure problems and mirror images.
Daily GK Update: 3rd September, 2015
1. Union Government released 2000 crore rupees to EPS-95 as contribution for 2015-16
i. The Union Government on 1 September 2015 released 2000 crore rupees to Employee Pension Scheme, 1995 (EPS-95) as its contribution for the year 2015-16.
ii. Further, a sum of 250 crore rupees was contributed as grant-in-aid for providing minimum pension of 1000 rupees to the pensioners of EPS-95.
iii. The additional grant-in-aid became necessary as the Union Government directed the Employees' Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) in September 2015 to provide for guaranteed minimum pension of 1000 rupees per month.
iv. Employee Pension Scheme (EPS)-95 came into effect on 16 November 1995 and the scheme was launched under the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952.
v. It applies to the employees of all factories and other establishments to which the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 applies.
vi. The Union Government and employers contribute 1.16 percent and 8.33 percent of the monthly wages of the members respectively.
vii. Under the scheme, monthly benefits for superannuation/ retirement, disability, survivor, widow(er), children is provided and the amount of pension is based on average salary during the preceding 12 months from the date of exit and total years of employment.
vii. It also provides for minimum pension on disablement and also provides for past service benefit to participants of erstwhile Family Pension Scheme, 1971.
2. NSE seals pact with Stock Exchange of Mauritius for synergy
i. NSE today announced that it has formalised a memorandum of understanding with the Stock Exchange of Mauritius (SEM) to facilitate co-operation between the two exchanges.
ii. "We have entered into an MoU with the Stock Exchange of Mauritius (SEM) with the objective of fostering a deeper and more strategic relationship between the two institutions, facilitating development of channels for knowledge sharing and developing mutual synergies for growth and development," NSE said in a statement here.
iii. SEM started its operations in July 1989 as a domestic equity-centric exchange and has since seen an overhaul of its operational and regulatory framework to become one of the leading bourses in Africa and a multi-asset class international exchange.
iv. SEM operates a multi-currency capital raising, listing and trading platform in four international currencies, namely USD, euro, pound sterling and ZAR.
v. The areas of co-operation under the MoU will encompass education, training and knowledge transfer in securities markets, product development and indice creation as well as capacity development in surveillance and investigation.
vi. Anerood Jugnauth, the Prime Minister of Mauritius, and S Bhadain, Minister of Financial Services, along with other dignitaries, met the NSE delegation on this occasion.
3. Forward Markets Commission to be merged with SEBI with effect from 28 Sept 2015
i. Union Government on 28 August 2015 notified the merger of commodities market regulator Forward Markets Commission (FMC) with Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). Its merging will be effective from 28 September 2015.
ii. For this purpose, the government repealed the Forward Contracts Regulation Act (FCRA) 1952 and made a way to shift the Regulation of Commodity Derivatives Market to SEBI under Securities Contracts Regulation Act (SCRA) 1956.
iii. An official press release said, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, in his Budget speech, had announced the merger of FMC with the capital market regulator SEBI to strengthen the regulation of commodity futures market.
iv. A unified regulator for commodities and capital markets will help streamline monitoring of commodity futures trading and curb wild speculations.
4. ABB elevates India head Bazmi Husain as global chief technology officer
i. ABB has elevated Bazmi Husain, managing director of ABB India, as the global chief technology officer, the Swiss-engineering major announced Wednesday.
ii. Husain, a power and automation expert who has been with ABB for 30 years, will take over the new position in the beginning of 2016. He will be the first Indian on this position. Prior to him, Ravi Uppal had occupied a top position at ABB group level as the president of global markets. Uppal is now the managing director and chief executive officer of Jindal SteelBSE 1.40 % and Power.
iii. The $42 billion-ABB said that the company will appoint a new head for India operations soon. Husain will now report to Group CEO Ulrich Spiesshofer.
iv. Heads of research and development operations at the group and division level as well as ABB's venture capital arm, ABB Technology Ventures would be reporting to Husain. ABB spends $1.5 billion annually on R&D and employs some 8,500 technologists.
5. ICICI Lombard in bancassurance tie-up with CSB
i. ICICI Lombard General Insurance has tied up with Catholic Syrian Bank(CSB) for sale of its products through 431 branches of the bank.
ii. Through the bancassurance tie-up, the company will able to offer general insurance solutions to the bank's customer base in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Maharashtra. The 94-year-old Kerala-based bank has a strong presence in the southern and western parts of the country.
iii. The bank had distribution network of 431 branches across 15 states and 4 union territories as on December 31, 2014. ICICI Lombard would be able to offer its risk solutions to the bank's customer base of 16 lakh clients (as on December 31, 2014).
iv. The bank's focus is on the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and retail client segments apart from NRI customers.
6. West-Central Railway becomes first zone to eliminate Unmanned Level Crossings
i. The West-Central Railway (WCR) zone headquartered in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh has become the first Railway Zone in Indian Railways to eliminate all unmanned level crossings.
ii. The target was achieved after all 118 unmanned level crossings of WCR zone were eliminated in phase manner by August 31, 2015. 80 crossings were eliminated in the financial year 2014-15 and the remaining 38 crossings were eliminated in August 2015.
iii. This target was achieved by constructing 33 Limited Height Sub Ways (LHs) and manning of 30 level crossings.
iv. It is a being considered as a big success in the safety initiative of Indian Railways as unmanned railway crossings continue to remain a deathtrap in India as alone it had killed 126 people in 2014-15.
Tuesday, 1 September 2015
GK Update: 1st September, 2015
RBI declared SBI and ICICI Bank as Domestic Systemically Important Banks
i. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 31 August 2015 declared State Bank of India (SBI) and ICICI Bank as Domestic Systemically Important Banks (D-SIBs) in line with the D-SIB Framework released by the RBI on 22 July 2014.

iii. Further, these banks have been put under associated bucket structure as required under the D-SIB Framework and each bucket corresponds to the higher loss absorbency requirements that they would be required to hold from January 2016.
iv. As a result, SBI has been put under Bucket 3 with additional Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) requirements as a percentage of Risk Weighted Assets (RWAs) placed at 0.6percent.
v. On the other hand, ICICI Bank has been put under Bucket 1 with additional CET1 requirements as a percentage of RWAs placed at 0.2 percent.
Union Government releases Rs 2,000 crore for Employees’ Pension Scheme
i. Union Government has released 2,000 crore rupees to Employees’ Pension Scheme (EPS), 1995 as its contribution for the year 2015-16.
ii. This contribution is in addition to the 250 crore rupees contributed by the government as grant-in-aid in the EPS in order to provide minimum pension of 1,000 rupees to pensioners under the scheme.
iii. In September 2015, Government had assured EPS pensioners a guaranteed minimum pension of Rs 1,000 per month. In order to meet this assurance it was necessary for the Government to infuse additional amount as grants-in- to sustain the continuance of the minimum pension.
IS damages ancient Temple of Bel in Syria’s Palmyra
i. Islamic State (IS) militant group has destroyed part of historical Temple of Bel in the ancient site of Palmyra in Syria.
ii. The ancient temple was dedicated to the Palmyrene gods and was one of the best preserved parts of the historical sites of Palmyra.
iii. Earlier in August 2015, IS militant group had destroyed the ancient Temple of Baalshamin in same region of Palmyra.
Highest mountain of North America Mt McKinley renamed as Denali
i. The highest mountain of North America was on 28 August 2015 renamed as Denali instead of its existing name Mt McKinley by US President Barack Obama. This designation will now recognize the sacred status of Denali to generations of Alaska Natives.
ii. The mountain, which sits in the 6 million-acre Denali national park, has been known as Denali in Alaska since 1975. Now officially, the Denali name will be used by all and it will also take effect for all federal usage and on all official maps.
Tejinder Pal Singh named as Australian of the Day by Commonwealth Bank
i. An Indian-origin driver in Australia Tejinder Pal Singh was on 31 August 2015 named as Australian of the Day by Commonwealth Bank of Australia for feeding the homeless in Darwin for the past three years.
ii. He dedicated the last Sunday of every month to feed the poor and homeless in northern Darwin after his night shift as a cabbie. He cooked around 30 kg of Indian food to feed the homeless. The free lunch comprises chickpeas, rice and vegetarian curry.
CSO released estimates of GDP for April-June quarter of 2015-16
i. Central Statistical Office (CSO) on 31 August 2015 released the estimates of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the April-June quarter of 2015.
ii. As per the estimates, India grew by 7 percent during the first quarter of the 2015-16 financial year. Thus, India remained the fastest growing major economy of the world for a second straight quarter.
India had overtaken China as the world’s fastest growing major economy in the January-March quarter, growing 7.5 per cent against China’s 7 per cent.
Highlights of the CSO estimates
GDP at constant (2011-12) prices in Q1 of 2015-16 is estimated at 27.13 lakh crore rupees as against 25.35 lakh crore rupees in Q1 of 2014-15, showing a growth rate of 7.0 percent. In terms of GVA it is 7.1 percent.
The economic activities which registered growth of over 7 percent in Q1 of 2015-16 over Q1 of 2014-15 are manufacturing, trade, hotels and transport & communication and services related to broadcasting and financial, insurance, real estate and professional services.
Growth in other areas: agriculture, forestry and fishing (1.9), mining and quarrying (4.0), electricity, gas, water supply & other utility services (3.2), construction and public administration, defence (6.9) and other services (2.7).
Gross Capital Formation (GCF) rate, a barometer for investments, continued to decline. It was down to 27.8 per cent from 29.2 per cent in April–June 2014.
L C Goyal appointed as CMD of India Trade Promotion Organisation
i. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 31 August 2015 approved the appointment of L C Goyal as the Chairman and Managing Director (CMD) of the Indian Trade Promotion Organization (ITPO).
ii. Prior to the present appointment, he retired as the secretary of the Union Home Ministry. He was a 1979 batch IAS officer of Kerala cadre.mbly also passed a resolution welcoming the Peace Accord signed between the Union Government and the National Socialist Council of Nagalim (NSCN)-IM.
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