Organization Name:
IBPS CWE Clerk Recruitment 2016Profile Name:
Clerk PostsNo. of Total Vacancies :
19243Pay Scale :
Applicants who will be selected for above Clerk Posts, will get monthly payment as per government norms.Advertisement Here
Starting date for availability of online application forms is 22nd August, 2016.
Last date to register for online application process is 12th September, 2016.
Payment of application fee 22.08.2016 to 12.09.2016.
Online preliminary exam will be on 26 & 27.11.2016, 03.12.2016 & 04.12.2016.
Online main exam will be on 31.12.2016 & 01.01.2017.
Starting date for availability of online application forms is 22nd August, 2016.